General of the anti-aircraft artillery at the Air Force Command Southeast

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The General of the Flak Artillery at the Luftgaukommando Südost was an agency of the German Air Force during the Second World War at corps level . The establishment took place on November 1, 1943. On October 20, 1944 the office was closed. The only commanding general was the general of the anti-aircraft cartillery Helmut Richter with a command post in Saloniki ( Greece ). The general staff was responsible for the operational management of all anti-aircraft units stationed in this area.

On November 1, 1943, the 5th Flak Division and the 19th Flak Division and from August 1944 the 19th Flak Division and the 20th Flak Division were subordinate . In October 1944 the General Staff was transferred to Fünfkirchen and on October 20, 1944 it was reclassified to the General Command of the V Flak Corps .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl-Heinz Hummel: The German flak cartillery 1935-1945. Your major formations and regiments . VDM, Zweibrücken 2010, ISBN 978-3-86619-048-1 , p. 38-39 .
  2. ^ Karl Friedrich Hildebrand: The Generals of the German Air Force. 1935-1945. The military careers of the aviators, anti-aircraft cartillery, paratroopers, air intelligence and engineering officers, including doctors, judges, intendants and ministerial officials with the rank of general (= Germany's generals and admirals. Part 2). Volume 3: Odebrecht - Zoch. With corrections and additions to volumes 1–3. Biblio-Verlag, Osnabrück 1992, ISBN 3-7648-2209-0 , pp. 105-106.