Generalgouvernement of the steppe

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The Generalgouvernement of the Steppe ( Russian Степное генерал-губернаторство / Stepnoje General-Gubernatorstvo ) was an administrative unit of the Russian Empire in northern Central Asia , mostly on the territory of today's Kazakhstan , with some areas in what is now the Russian Federation . It was in 1882 from parts of the General Government Turkestan and thereby dissolved the Government General Western Siberia formed and existed until 1917. It consisted of the areas Akmolinsk , Semipalatinsk and Semirjetschensk . The capital was Omsk . It had 1,467,251 km² and in 1897 2,362,603 ​​inhabitants. The governor general was also the commander of the Omsk military district, which also included the Tobolsk and Tomsk governorates in western Siberia .
