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The generals are the totality of all generals of a state.


According to the Duden , all generals (i.e. all bearers of one of the ranks from the rank group of generals) of a state form the generals. The name itself is derived from " General ". The generals consequently never include only a subset of all generals. Since the term "generals" and not (also part only theoretically achievable) on persons to the ranks turns off, the generals, for example, does not include grades, the time of observation by any officer be clothed. The generality is therefore not identical with the rank group of the generals and usually not with the collective term "generals" for several bearers of one of the ranks of this rank group. The term “generality” is unusual in the Bundeswehr, so its definition is vague and its use is informal. In some cases, the terms “generals” and “generality” are therefore incorrectly used interchangeably. Since it is not well defined in every armed force who belongs to the rank group of the generals, the size of the group defined in the Duden dictionary is not clearly determined. Depending on whether admirals are counted among the generals and consequently with the generals in the relevant context , the admiralty is a subset of the generals or a completely different group.



The generals in the Swiss Army include all senior staff officers as well as the general appointed only in times of war .

Soviet Union

In 1940 ranks were reintroduced which were based on those of the Tsarist Empire. The Marshal of the Soviet Union took the place of the General Field Marshal , and new ranks, the main marshals and the marshals of a certain branch of service who were on an equal footing with the army general, were introduced.

Marshal of the Soviet Union (Ма́ршал Совéтского Сою́за)
Army General (генера́л а́рмии)

Marshal of a branch of service (Гла́вный Ма́ршал рода войск) Marshal of a branch of service (Ма́ршал рода войск)

Colonel General (генера́л-полко́вник)
Lieutenant General (генера́л-лейтена́нт)
Major General (генера́л-майо́р)

Historically, Russia and the Soviet Union have given the honorary rank of generalissimo : 1727: Alexander Danilowitsch Menshikov , 1740: Anton Ulrich von Braunschweig (Russia), 1799: Alexander Wassiljewitsch Suworow , 1945: Josef Stalin


  1. In the Bundeswehr, for example, it is not uncommon for the rank of general or pharmacist general to be vacant.
  2. If, for example, all the generals of an armed force were gathered in one hall, the soldiers could be outlined with the collective term “generals” or “generals”. If a soldier now leaves the hall, there are still generals there, but not the generals.

Web links

Wiktionary: generality  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. a b Generals, the. In: Duden. 2013, accessed November 9, 2014 .