Genji (era)

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Genji ( Japanese 元 治 ) is a Japanese era ( Nengō ) that was only valid for about one year, from 1864 to 1865 in the Gregorian calendar . The previous era name is Bunkyū , the subsequent era is Keiō . The era falls in the end times of the Edo period ( Bakumatsu ), during the reign of the emperor ( Tennō ) Kōmei .

The first day of the first month of the Genji Era ( 元 治 元年 正月 一日 ) corresponds to February 8, 1864. The new era was called to mark the beginning of a new 60-year cycle in the Chinese calendar . The name itself is derived from the I Ching .


  • August 12, 1864 (Genji 1/7/11): The Rangaku scholar Sakuma Shōzan is murdered at the age of 53. On the instructions of the shogunate, he was on the way from Edo to Kyoto. He was a proponent of opening up the country and was murdered by a Sonnō-joi supporter.


  1. ^ Griffis, William E. (1915). The Mikado: Institution and Person, p. 84.
  2. ^ Armstrong, Robert Cornell. (1914). Light from the East Or Studies in Japanese Confucianism, p. 192.
  3. ^ National Diet Library: Portraits of Modern Japanese Historical Figures .


Genji 1 2
greg. 1864 1865
Nengō :