Genoa Model United Nations

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Genoa Model United Nations ( GeMUN ) is a three-day conference that mimics the work of the UN . The GeMUN takes place in the Italian city of Genoa .


The participants come from all over the world and attend either high school or university. They gather every year to discuss international issues in English. These topics concern economic problems, security issues, the environment and problems of humanitarian aid. The aim of the conference is to find solutions to these problems. GeMUN is based on THIMUN , an annual conference that has been trying to replicate the work of the UN in The Hague since 1968.


The MUN (Model United Nations, literally, "Simulation of the United Nations") conferences are organized each year by different schools and universities around the world. The organizational structures of the United Nations are simulated so that the participating pupils and students can familiarize themselves with the goals, procedures and the corresponding sub-organizations. The conference participants take on different roles, from the representative of a state or the chairman of the meeting to representatives of the media.

Although the majority of the MUN represent the main UN commissions, i. H. the General Assembly, the United Nations Security Council and the Economic and Social Council, there are also representations from sub-committees such as the African Union and the Arab League .

Usually the working language of the conferences is English, but occasionally discussions take place in the language of the host country.

History of the GeMUN

The first GeMUN event took place in 2002, while the first MUN group was organized in Genoa in 1998. In 1999 the MUN group made the trip to Bratislava and later, in 2000, the Millennium Summit in London. This trip was an important chapter for the GeMUN group, which takes part in international travel for young people in over 12 different countries every year.

2002 is the year of the first GeMUN, which saw 140 students from 14 schools gathered in the Italian Red Hall of the Palazzo Tursis. The first GeMUN event was organized by various schools:

  • Istituzione Deledda International School,
  • Civico Liceo Linguistico Internazionale “G. Deledda ”,
  • German School Genoa,
  • Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore Statale “L. Einaudi - G. Casaregis - G. Galilei ”,
  • The International School of Genoa,
  • Liceo Scientifico “Nicoloso da Recco” (Recco),
  • Liceo Classico e Linguistico “Da Vigo” ( Rapallo ),
  • Università degli Studi di Genova, gruppo THIMUN e SPIMUN.

In 2003 the GeMUN Organizing Committee was born, which comprises five grammar schools, the UNICEF Committee of Genoa and three faculties of the University of Genoa (see 4th Organizing Committee).

In 2004 the topic of GeMUN was energy. This year, the conference was also connected to THIMUN. The GeMUN group was the only one to propose a MedCon commission, with 450 participants from 15 schools around the world.

In 2005 the "GeMUN Office" at the Liceo Linguistico Internazionale "G.Deledda" began to function. In addition, meetings were set up in the Debating Society to prepare the participants for the events. The group also took part in the THIMUN conference in The Hague.

In 2006, the theme of the conference was food safety and was attended by FAO representatives as guest speakers (keynote speakers). Other committees have also been added, such as Disarmament and International Security (DISEC).

In 2007 the conference welcomed 600 children from 40 schools around the world for the first time, a number that was repeated in 2008 when the energy issue was debated.

In 2009 the participants debated the issue of biodiversity and the first committee was organized for students. In the same year the first GeMiniMUN was organized in the Istituto Duchessa di Galliera; an event that young people could use to prepare for GeMUN.

2010 was about the Limits to Growth and the group first participated in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at the Cairo Conference. In the same year the GeMiniMUN was born and moved into the premises of the Berio library.

In 2011 the conference was dedicated to common progress. In addition, the meeting in Genoa of the ICJ (International Court of Justice) was established and the Committee on Environmental Issues (EnvCom) - after the Fukushima disaster and the Economic and Financial Committee (ECOFIN) were created. In the same year he played the first Debating Day organized in collaboration with the Berio Library.

The 2012 conference was devoted to youth and incorporated the Legal Committee in the universities. The university bodies took place in the Palazzo Balbi.

The conference in practice


The conference lasts three days and consists of 9 committees corresponding to those that make up the UN General Assembly, each with a specific topic. The official language is English. The participants in the conference, that is, the pupils between the ages of 14 and 19 and the students between the ages of 18 and 26 who cover the roles of officers, learn the techniques of debate and negotiation. A group of delegates from a participating school decide to represent a country other than the one whose nationality is the affiliation and part of a committee.


The conference committees are as follows:

  1. Special Conference (SpeCon): The topics that are debated change every year with regard to the main topic of GeMUN;
  2. Security Council (SC): The committee consists of only 15 delegates, including five permanent (UK, US, France, China, Russia) and 10 who change every 2 years. The most important crises are discussed in this committee;
  3. Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC): it promotes the economic and social development of the less developed countries;
  4. Mediterranean Conference (MedCon): in this body, topics related to the Mediterranean are debated. Each nation is represented by two delegates;
  5. Environment Commission (EnvCom);
Committees of the United Nations General Assembly
  1. Committee on Disarmament and International Security (DISEC): describes problems that affect international security issues;
  2. Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM): Human rights form the basis of discussions in this body, which works to promote and implement them;

University-level committees

  1. Economic and Financial Committee (ECOFIN - Economic and Financial Committee) discusses problems of the financial and world economy;
  2. Legal Committee (LEG - Legal Committee) deals with international law.


Simulation of the International Court of Justice in The Hague, whose purpose is to resolve specific cases from both governments in international conflicts - the first ICJ session was organized in 2011. It consists of 15 judges, 4 lawyers, the President, the Vice-President and the Chancellor. The cases before the ICJ of GeMUN are still existing and still unresolved cases of the International Court of Justice.


There are different roles that can be played in the conference.

  • Delegate (Delegate) : as a representative of a country of a UN special committee and can discuss solutions to the problems by suggestion.
  • Expert : Member of the Experts' Group, made up of a group of young people from different schools, who are involved in the choice of the contents of the conference and the topics to be dealt with by the different committees. They also take part in the formation of new delegates (juniors), delegates of experts (seniors), future presidents of committees (chairs) and future participants in the Intergovernmental Conference. It brings students in contact with experienced numerous conferences, both local and foreign, which usually play the roles of the various committees in the Conference of Presidents;
  • President (Chair) : presides over the debate in the committees, is responsible for drafting the introductory guides on the subjects under discussion;
  • President of the General Assembly or Development Committee : The organization of the Assembly, the grouping of several committees that debate the best resolutions. Manages the participants of several committees for the delegation;
  • Secretary-General and Under-Secretary-General : The organizers of the entire conference, whose job it is to manage and coordinate the work all for the different sectors.


  • Judge : the one who follows the case, examines the evidence from attorneys and makes a judgment in accordance with international law;
  • Lawyer : He defends the cause of the country he represents;
  • President of the ICJ : Manager and organizer of the International Court of Justice. During the conference, he controls the International Court of Justice and ensures that everything goes according to the rules;
  • Vice Chairman : President who cooperates with the ICJ, learning the dynamics, roles and responsibilities of that role;
  • Chancellor : Keeping court records.

Logistics and organization

  • Staff : those who ensure the smooth organization of the Conciliation Committee from a practical point of view.
  • Executive Committee : she / he coordinates the staff in a conference committee and ensures and monitors the work of the staff;
  • Member of the management staff : for the general organization of the conference and for the management of one of the sectors such as logistics, training of staff, administrative office, cultural program and security (see security);
  • Head of HR : directs and monitors the work of all employees and groups;
  • Safety : those who care about the safety committees. They are responsible for supervising the sale and ensuring that no unauthorized persons enter or leave the building;
  • Security Chief : responsible for organizing the work of the Security Council.

Media sector

  • Press officer : responsible for documenting the event, interviewing conference delegates and preparing a newspaper;
  • Editor-in-chief : responsible for the work of the press.


The GeMUN, as well as related initiatives, are designed to develop the skills of debate, negotiation and critical reflection. There is also the ability to understand and examine the problems of international politics, learning the ability to cooperate and observe the world from different angles. In addition, participating in GeMUN via the official conference debate in English can enhance dialogue with young people from around the world.

Organizing Committee

The GeMUN organizing committee consists of the following schools:

  • Liceo Linguistico Internazionale “G. Deledda ”
  • German School Genoa
  • Liceo Einaudi Casaregis Galilei
  • Deledda International School
  • Liceo Scientifico “Nicoloso da Recco” (Recco) and Liceo Classico “Giovanni da Vigo” (Rapallo)
  • Facoltà di Scienza Politiche, Università degli Studi di Genova
  • Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Università degli Studi di Genova
  • Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Università degli Studi di Genova
  • Comitato Provinciale UNICEF Genova

Participation of the university students

The participants are students or graduates of the university in the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature, Politics and Law. Two of the conference's nine committees, namely the Legal Committee and the Economic and Financial Committee, are for university students only.


The trainees are in the organization of conferences in the GeMUN office, which deal with administration, security and logistics, implementation and clerical tasks. In addition, they help out with high school delegates at the conference. The aim of their work is to apply their skills acquired during their training, i. H. the reality of international relations and the discovery of the dynamics of encounters between different cultures.

Students with a bachelor's degree in language and literature in positions in the field of translation and interpreting and intercultural and interlingual communication. After studying translation and interpreting, students take on simultaneous and consecutive translation work. Students of the Faculty of Political Science are involved in developing agenda topics and preparing delegates.

Events related to GeMUN

In addition to the annual GeMUN conference in the city of Genoa, there are two other related events: the GeMiniMUN in autumn and the GeMUN Debating Day in spring.


The GeMiniMUN is a conference to find new members and new Environment MUN delegates in Genoa and Liguria to familiarize themselves with the procedures of the formal debate. The event structure is similar to the GeMUN: the delegates represent a country of their choice and debate topics that are also discussed at the GeMUN. The conference offers the following committees to the participants:

  • Commission for Progress , the specific GeMiniMUN, including questions from the SOCHUM and SpeCon MedCon committees (see 3.2 Committees);
  • Committee on Sustainability , the specific GeMiniMUN, including issues of the committees and ECOSOC EnvCom
  • Council on Disarmament and International Security ,

GeMUN Debating Day

The GeMUN Debating Day is a one day conference where young people from secondary schools meet to discuss and debate issues of global importance. The specialty of the GeMUN Debating Day is that the students represent themselves and thus find a voice for their opinions and ideas. With the formal rules of the MUN conference, the two official languages ​​are English and Italian, so that those who have difficulties with the English language can also take part in the discussions. This conference will be divided into two committees:

  • Italian Committee;
  • English committee.

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. Archive link ( Memento of the original from August 5, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. “2013 Conference”, “Conference structure”, GeMUN - Genoa Model United Nations ( Memento of the original dated February 25, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Università degli Studi di Genova, page on Ateneo