Georg Christoph Berger Waldenegg

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Georg Christoph Berger Waldenegg (* 1957) is a German historian .


Berger Waldenegg studied Medieval and Modern History, Political Science and Romance Studies / Italian in Heidelberg and graduated in 1985 with a master's degree . After doctorate (1990) and habilitation (1998), he became a private lecturer in modern history. He did research on the history of Italy, Austria-Hungary and Germany with a focus on the history of mentality and the reception of Machiavelli , where he also published in Italian. He also researched the concept of anti-Semitism and hostility to Jews . In 2003 he criticized the fact that the term indirectly induces and strengthens belief in “general and historically consistent Jewish-Semitic characteristics”. Since then he has held guest lectureships at the University of Innsbruck and Charles University , Prague , and is an adjunct professor in Heidelberg.

Works (selection)

  • Domestic politics in neo-absolutism (1848 / 49–1859 / 60). On the relationship between domination practice and system consolidation. In: History as an Argument. 41st German Historians' Day in Munich 1996, report ed. on behalf of the Association of Historians of Germany e. V. v. Stefan Weinfurter / Frank M. Siefarth, Munich 1997: 289–291.
  • War and expansion at Machiavelli. Reflections on a neglected chapter of his "political theory". Historical magazine. 2000: 1-55. 10.2307 / 27633410.
  • Anti-Semitism - A Dangerous Word? Diagnosis of a word.
  • With united forces! On the relationship between the practice of domination and systemic consolidation in neo-absolutism using the example of the national loan from 1854. cop. 2002.
  • Egon Berger-Waldenegg , Heinrich Berger-Waldenegg: Biography in the mirror. The memoirs of two generations. Ed .: Heinrich Berger-Waldenegg, Georg Christoph Berger-Waldenegg. Böhlau, Vienna 1998, ISBN 3-205-98876-0 .
  • The reorganization of the Italian army between 1866 and 1876: Prussia as a model.
  • Leader of the extreme right. The difficult relationship of post-war historiography to “great men” of their own past.
  • Domestic politics in neo-absolutism (1848 / 49–1859 / 60).
  • Il 'militarismo' italiano negli anni 1860 e 70: nascita di un concetto. In: Atti del Seminario . Lo Spirito Militare degli Italiani, Padova, 16-18 November 2000. 2002, pp 33-44.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Anti-Semitism, Dec.