George I (Württemberg-Mömpelgard)

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George I of Württemberg-Mömpelgard

Georg I von Württemberg-Mömpelgard , called the Cautious (* February 4, 1498 at Urach Castle ; † July 17, 1558 at Kirkel Castle ) was a son of Count Heinrich von Württemberg and his second wife, Countess Eva von Salm.

In 1514 he got the rule of Horburg , the town of Riquewihr (Reichenweier) and the castle and rule of Bilstein . In 1519 his older brother, Duke Ulrich , was expelled from Württemberg. Georg tried to support him by force of arms and had to go into exile in Strasbourg. On September 2, 1526, his brother Ulrich sold him the county of Mömpelgard with associated lordships in the form of a pseudo sale and subject to redemption.

In 1531, George joined the Protestant Schmalkaldic League against the Emperor Charles V to. With the help of the Hessian Landgrave Philip I , his brother Ulrich was able to regain power in Württemberg in 1534. Mömpelgard came back to Württemberg. In 1542 Ulrich's son Christoph became governor there.

After the defeat of the Schmalkaldic League in 1547, the emperor planned to move into the county of Mömpelgard. Ulrich died in 1550. After the Passau Treaty in 1552, Christoph was able to return the county of Mömpelgard to his uncle Georg in 1553, where he ruled until his death in 1558.

When Christoph's son Ludwig died in 1593 without any descendants entitled to inherit, Georg's son Friedrich became Duke of Württemberg.


In 1555 Georg married the 19-year-old Barbara von Hessen (1536–1597), daughter of Philip I of Hessen . He had the following children with her:


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predecessor Office successor
Ulrich Count of Mömpelgard
Christoph Count of Mömpelgard
Friedrich I.