Georg Körner (Bergmeister)

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Georg Körner , also George Körner , († before 1582 in Platten ) was a Bohemian mountain master .

Körner first worked in Sankt Joachimsthal and can be traced back to at least 1569 as a miner in Platten, in a phase in which mining reached a boom there and attracted numerous miners from the Saxon Ore Mountains . One of his special merits is the construction of a model of a water-lifting art with which he was sent to the emperor in Prague.

Körner married twice, the first time on June 11, 1542 Magdalena Geilstorffer in Sankt Joachimsthal, daughter of Hans Geilstorffer, the second time in 1576 in Platten Anna née. Polman from Schneeberg, daughter of Peter Polmann.

After his death his widow Anna married the mountain master Asmus Zötel, otherwise known as Pausch from Neudek, in 1582 in Platten . His heirs owned the copyright for the art of water lifting he had developed, so that after his death in 1587 there were disputes about it.


  • Andreas Erb: Mining in Platten- und Gottesgab - a Saxon-Bohemian story. Special inventory , Saxon State Archive - Freiberg mountain archive o. J.

Individual evidence

  1. Sankt Joachimsthal, Copulations Matricl , Tom I, 1531–1602, p. 40v