Georg Ludwig Peter Sievers

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Georg Ludwig Peter Sievers (* 1775 in Magdeburg ; † 1830 ) was a German music writer. He was the son of the composer Johann Friedrich Ludwig Sievers , cathedral organist in Magdeburg.

Like his contemporary ETA Hoffmann , Sievers was involved in the formulation of the theory of a romantic musical aesthetic through essays, novels and non-fiction books . He published essays in Caecilia and in the Leipziger Allgemeine musical magazine , mainly on French and Italian musical conditions. Sievers was also active in music lexicographics for Brockhaus publishing house. As early as the 1820s - and therefore very early - he appeared as one of the first critics of romanticism.


  • The coffin or the twin sisters . 1807.
  • Lessing's skull . 1807.
  • The lemon forest . 1809.
  • The hasty man . 1814.
  • Mozart and Süssmayr, a new plagiarism . 1829.


  • Christoph E. Hänggi: GLP Sievers (1775-1830) and his writings: A history of romantic music aesthetics P. Lang, 1993. ISBN 3906750213