Georg Stehli

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Georg Stehli (born July 18, 1883 in Wachenheim an der Weinstrasse in the Palatinate; † October 1, 1951 ) was a German naturalist and author of many popular science books and articles.


He began his natural history and philosophical studies at the University of Heidelberg, then went to Berlin and Jena, where Ernst Haeckel was teaching at the time . In Jena, Stehli also did his doctorate (Dr. phil. Nat.). He lost his hearing in an accident and was unable to pursue an academic career at the university. In 1910 he joined the Franckhsche Verlagshandlung in Stuttgart , where he wrote articles and advised nature lovers in the magazine Kosmos . From 1928 to 1932 he also worked at the Institute for Pest Control in the Palatinate, where he worked on phylloxera .

In 1917 he took over the editing of the magazine Mikrokosmos , which he edited with a brief interruption during the Second World War until his death.

Fonts (excerpt)

  • Microscopy for everyone . Stuttgart 1934
  • Collecting plants - the right way . Stuttgart 1935
  • Collecting and dissecting animals . Stuttgart 1936
  • Which animal is that Stuttgart 1940

Individual evidence

  1. All information taken from Kosmos, Handweiser für Naturfreunde, Heft 11, 1951.