Georg Wilding

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Tomb of Georg Wilding, Prince of Butera Radali, in the garden cemetery in Hanover
Georg Wilding's tomb, detail

Georg Wilding Prince of Butera Radali (born June 24, 1790 in Uelzen , † September 6, 1841 in Wiesbaden ) was a Neapolitan officer and diplomat of German origin.


Wilding was the son of the Hanoverian captain Georg Christian Wilding from Uelzen and a Drömwolf. His maternal grandfather was a preacher in Neustadt. After the death of his father, the widow moved to Hanover, where young Georg joined the army. He went to the King's German Legion where he became a lieutenant. He fought in Spain and Sicily. There he happened to meet the widowed Princess Donna Caterina di Branciforte (* 1768, † 1824), widowed Leonfrote. He married the twenty-two-year-old daughter of the Prince of Butera in 1812 and thus acquired the title of Prince of Butera Radali. The couple had no children when the princess died in 1824.

After the death of his first wife, he married Princess Barbara Petrovna Schachowskoi (1796–1871), widow of Count Pavel Andreevich Shuvalov († 1823) and Count Adolf de Polier († 1830).

He served in the Legion's 8th Line Battalion from 1808 to 1814. On April 12, 1814, he received his farewell. He later switched to the diplomatic service and was temporarily Neapolitan envoy to the court in St. Petersburg . Wilding was also a royal Neapolitan chamberlain.

His grave in the form of a marble sarcophagus is located in the garden cemetery in Hanover and is a listed building.

His brother Ernst Wilding (born June 14, 1792) became his heir . In 1856 he bought the rulership of Königsbrück . The goods of the House of Butera went to Wilding's stepdaughter, Stefania Branciforte (* 1788, † 1843).


  • "Georg Wilding Prince of Butera Radali". In: New Nekrolog der Deutschen . Weimar: Bernh. Friedrich Voigt, 1853, Volume 2, pp. 838-840 (in the Google book search ).
  • Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the count's houses for the year 1869, p.1012
  • Germania: Archive for knowledge d. German elements in all countries d. Earth, Volume 2, p.185ff Georg Wilding, Prince of Butera
  • North Ludlow Beamish: History of the Royal German Legion , Volume 2, S.193

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