George Frankl

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George Frankl (born December 12, 1921 in Vienna , † December 25, 2004 in London ) was a British psychoanalyst and philosopher . He developed a new method in depth analysis .

Frankl's father was friends with the founder of individual psychology, Alfred Adler , and so it came about that Frankl came into contact with psychology at a young age . In 1939 he managed to escape from the Dachau concentration camp and was able to flee to England . He lost his parents in the Auschwitz concentration camp .

Frankl became a psychotherapist because his father's last message from Auschwitz was the request "Tell George that he must explain how such terrible things can happen". After studying at the University of Oxford , he began working in London in 1951.

His most outstanding achievement was a new method of in-depth analysis that allowed direct communication with the unconscious and enabled a breakthrough in understanding the unconscious of both individuals and societies. Frankl was chairman of the Philosophical and Psychological Section of the British Humanist Society .

Works (selection)

  • Blueprint for a Sane Society . Open Gate Press, London 2004, ISBN 1-871871-60-3 .
  • Exploring the Unconscious . Open Gate Press, London 1994, ISBN 1-871871-07-7 .
  • The Failure of the Sexual Revolution . Kahn Aversill, London 1974, ISBN 0-900707-35-6 .
  • Foundations of morality. An investigation into the origin and purpose of moral concepts . Open Gate Press, London 2000, ISBN 1-871871-27-1 .
  • Social History of The Unconscious . Open Gate Press, London 1992
  1. Archeology of mind . ISBN 1-871871-16-6 .
  2. Civilization, Utopia and tragedy , ISBN 1-871871-17-4 .
  • The three faces of monotheism. Judaism, christianity, Islam . Open Gate Press, London 2005, ISBN 1-871871-63-8 .
  • The Unknown Self . Open Gate Press, London 1990, ISBN 1-871871-05-0 , (Psychoanalysis and society).