George Pocock

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Sir George Pocock

Sir George Pocock (March 6, 1706 - April 3, 1792 ) was a British admiral.

The son of the naval clergyman Thomas Pocock joined the British Navy in 1718. In April 1725 he was made lieutenant, in 1733 commander and in 1738 post-captain. After serving in the West Indies for a few years, he was ordered to captain the Cumberland in 1754 under Counter-Admiral Charles Watson to East India. In 1755 he was appointed Rear Admiral and in 1756 Vice Admiral. In several sea battles he succeeded in driving the French out of India during the Seven Years' War in 1758 and 1759. After his return in 1761, he was elevated to Knight Companion of the Order of Bath (KB) for his services . In 1762 he married Sophia Pitt . In the same year he contributed as the commander of the naval forces in a combined sea and land action together with the Earl of Albemarle decisively to the success of the action. Due to preferences of other officers, he withdrew from active service after his return. He spent the rest of his days in his possession, Orleans House, in Twickenham . He was buried in Westminster Abbey in London after his death .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ William Arthur Shaw: The Knights of England. Volume 1, Sherratt and Hughes, London 1906, p. 170.