Georgi Ivanov (cosmonaut)

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Georgi Ivanov
Georgi Ivanov
Country: BulgariaBulgaria Bulgaria
Organization: air force
selected on March 1, 1978
Calls: 1 space flight
Begin: April 10, 1979
Landing: April 12, 1979
Time in space: 1d 23h 1min
retired on April 1979
Space flights

Georgi Ivanov (actually Kakalow ; born July 2, 1940 in Lovetsch ) was the first Bulgarian cosmonaut . He changed his name to Ivanov because his family name means an obscenity in Russian.

Ivanov was Major General in the Bulgarian Air Force when he applied as a spaceman / cosmonaut for the Interkosmos program, which gave socialist countries the opportunity to collaborate with the Soviet Union on space travel.

On April 10, 1979, he and Nikolai Rukawischnikow started from Baikonur on the Soyuz 33 mission . The time spent in space was 47 hours or 31 orbits around the world. A coupling to the Salyut 6 space station was planned, but could not be carried out due to engine damage. The mission was canceled and ended with an emergency landing far from the intended target area.

Ivanov later became a member of the Bulgarian National Assembly. He is married and has a daughter.

See also

Web links

Commons : Georgi Ivanov  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files