Under quantization refers to a division of a whole into parts, with the differences between these parts can not be arbitrarily small as a continuous variable. Quantization converts function values (the values of physical quantities) into a countable set of numbers, namely all multiples of a quantization level .
In quantum mechanics , this has a special meaning when, for example, one speaks of energy quantization. Here quantization means that the said variable can only assume discrete values, i.e. values contained in a graded value store, instead of being continuously changeable. Experimental physicists James Franck and Gustav Hertz , who received the Nobel Prize in Physics for the Franck-Hertz experiment in 1925 , provided evidence of the quantification of energies that can be absorbed by the electrons in the atomic orbitals .
So far, quantization is known for the following physical objects and quantities: matter , light , energy , charge , momentum , angular momentum , electrical resistance .
See also
Individual evidence
- ↑ Walter J. Moore: Fundamentals of physical chemistry . de Gruyter, 1990, p. 59
- ^ Friedrich L. Bauer, Gerhard Goos: Computer Science 1: An introductory overview . Springer, 4th ed. 1991, p. 327
- ↑ Hartmut Ernst: Basic Computer Science Course: Basics and Concepts for Successful IT Practice - A comprehensive, practice-oriented introduction . Vieweg, 3rd ed. 2003, p. 39