Gerda Hofstatter

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Gerda Hofstätter-Gregerson
Billard Picto 2-white-l.svg

birthday February 9, 1971
place of birth Friesach , Carinthia , Austria
Nickname G-Force
Professional since circa 1990
Biggest success
9-ball World Cup Win ( women )

Gerda Hofstätter-Gregerson (born February 9, 1971 in Friesach ) is an Austrian pool player .


As one of the first Austrian pool players, she dared to take the step abroad at a young age in order to advance her professional career. She first lived in Sweden for a few years before finally emigrating to America in 1993, where she has been one of the best players in the world ever since. Since their wedding, she has had the double name "Hofstatter-Gregerson" or Anglicised "Hofstatter-Gregerson", but retained her original nationality.

She has been voted European Player of the Year twice. In 2018 she was inducted into the Hall of Fame of the Billiard Congress of America , making her the first Austrian to receive this honor.

Greatest successes

Web links

Commons : Gerda Hofstätter  - Collection of images, videos and audio files