Bailiffs Chamber

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A bailiffs chamber is a professional body in which bailiffs are organized. The chamber represents their interests. As a corporation under public law, the Chamber of Bailiffs has powers under public law, for example in the area of ​​the appointment of bailiffs or with regard to disciplinary measures. In doing so, they work closely with the respective judicial administrations in the country. In addition, the chambers of bailiffs also act as professional interest groups . Bailiffs 'chambers exist in France , the Netherlands , Lithuania (see Judicial Bailiffs' Chamber in Lithuania ) and in other countries where foreclosure is transferred to private persons (≈ judicial execution is " privatized ").

Individual countries


There is no chamber of bailiffs in Germany.


The Chamber of Bailiffs (nl: Kamer voor Gerechtsdeurwaarders ) in the Netherlands with its seat in Amsterdam is an institution for the disciplinary jurisdiction of bailiffs. The Chamber of Bailiffs can issue reprimands, fines, suspensions or dismissals of bailiffs. A revision at the OLG Amsterdam is possible. The chamber consists of 5 members who are appointed by the Minister of Justice. Three of them have to be judges and two bailiffs. The bailiffs are appointed on the proposal of the Royal Professional Association of Bailiffs (KBvG). The term of office is 4 years. A one-time re-election is possible.


The French Chamber of Bailiffs ( Chambre Nationale des Huissiers de Justice ) consists of 7 members and is based in Paris.


The Luxembourg National Chamber of Bailiffs exists on the basis of the law of December 4, 1990 (Chapter 8) and the ordinance of September 12, 1973, as amended by an ordinance of February 12, 1999.

Czech Republic

The Czech Chamber of Bailiffs (Exekutorská komora ČR) is the professional representation of bailiffs. It is a corporation under public law and is responsible for supervising the activities of the bailiffs and the administration of the bailiffs' offices. According to the law, all bailiffs belong to the Chamber of Bailiffs. It has issued a code of honor for bailiffs.


In Poland, the bailiffs' chambers are self-governing bodies of the bailiffs, regulated in the Law on Bailiffs and Enforcement Proceedings of August 29, 1997.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Paragraph 2 (§§ 34-49) (PDF file; 173 kB)
  2. EU Commission / France (French)
  3. EU Commission
  4. EU Commission Poland