Germana Fleischmann

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Germana Fleischmann (* 1957 in Latsch in South Tyrol / Italy ) is an Italian writer and artist .


From 1982 to 1986 she studied painting with Silvio Loffredo at the Art Academy in Florence . In 1988 she attended the International Summer Academy for Fine Arts in Salzburg with Dieter Hacker . She has also completed a specialization in the technique of the trompe-l'œil as well as an apprenticeship in glass painting . Germana Fleischmann holds courses and seminars and has taken on numerous solo and group exhibitions.

She is a great animal lover and works as a press officer and organizer for the dog academy. Together with the dog trainer Ruth Wahlmüller , head of said dog school, she has been writing a multi-volume series of books on the subject of dog training since 2005 . The series is titled: Your dog speaks to you and was published by Provinz-Verlag .

Germana Fleischmann lives and works as a freelance artist in South Tyrol (until 2012 in Naturns ) and in Dießen am Ammersee (Germany).

Works (selection)

  • Get to know the dog language (Fachwerk). Provincial publishing house, Brixen 2005ff
  1. Introduction . 2005, ISBN 88-89124-01-6 .
  2. Fear in dogs . 2005, ISBN 88-88118-27-6 .
  3. The puppy . 2006, ISBN 88-88118-30-6 .

Web links