Protected part of the landscape, Mehlbeerenallee at Fettküche

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The protected landscape component Mehlbeerenallee near Fettküche with a length of 2125 m is located west of Bredelar on federal highway 7 in the urban area of Marsberg . The area was designated as a protected landscape component (LB) in 2001 with the Hoppecketal landscape plan by the district council of the Hochsauerlandkreis . The LB is surrounded by the landscape protection area open spaces between Forstenberg and Schafbruch .


The landscape plan explains the LB: “The avenue clearly marks the course of the“ Alte Heeresstraße ”(today's Bundesstraße 7) in the area of ​​the southern Bredelar Chamber, which is to be kept open with the LSG determination. The trees are planted at a distance of around 75 m (± 10 to 15 m); this planting shows some gaps. Regardless of the formative effect of the avenue on the landscape, the real whitebeam (Sorbus aria) is also recorded here, which as a wind- and winter-hardy, drought-tolerant wood, was used more often for street planting, but for some time because of its slow growth and Fruit hangings are disappearing more and more from the streetscape. The avenue is to be permanently preserved in its appearance by repairing the existing gaps and replacing trees in good time for trees that are likely to fall out (both with tall trunks of the same species). "

Protection purpose

The designation as LB took place:

  • To maintain, develop or restore the efficiency and functionality of the natural balance
  • For revitalizing, structuring or maintaining the townscape and landscape
  • To ward off harmful effects

Like the other LBs in the landscape plan area, the LB represents an outstanding habitat for the ecological performance of the natural balance. It also serves as an element that structures and animates the landscape. The designation serves to ward off real or potential harmful effects through the removal of plants, relief or water changes, etc.


Individual evidence

  1. Hochsauerlandkreis - Lower Landscape Authority: Hoppecketal landscape plan. Meschede 2001, p. 166
  2. Hochsauerlandkreis - Lower Landscape Authority: Hoppecketal landscape plan. Meschede 2001, p. 153 ff

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