Sibling rivalry

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The sibling rivalry describes the competition between siblings , especially for the favor of the parents. Associated feelings are envy and jealousy , as a result of which injuries often occur and pain and anger arise, which can increase to resentment and hatred and sometimes end in murder and manslaughter. In severe form, it is an emotional disorder of childhood (ICD-10, F93.3).

Rivalries depend on the family dynamics , the upbringing conditions and the cultural background. Particular tensions are observed between first-born and second child, as well as between same-sex children and between twins . In psychoanalysis, sibling rivalry plays a central role alongside the Oedipus conflict .

Sibling rivalries are the cause of legal proceedings, family therapies, inheritance disputes, bankruptcy proceedings and company divisions. In particular, the two-brothers motif and fratricide are motifs of various myths and fairy tales and find their expression in works of the performing arts. The biblical traditions of Cain and Abel , Jacob and Esau , Joseph and his brothers or the parable of the prodigal son are known .


  • Ulrich Beer: Sibling roles - of princes and nestlings , Herbolzheim 2005, ISBN 3-8255-0559-6
  • Werner Fuchs-Heinritz (Ed.): Lexicon of Sociology , 2nd edition, Opladen 1978, ISBN 3-531-11417-4
  • Karl König: Brothers and Sisters. Birth order as fate , 14th edition, Göttingen 2008, ISBN 978-3-525-59216-8
  • Kevin Leman: Sibling constellations - the family determines your life , 6th edition, Frankfurt am Main 2004, ISBN 3-636-07007-X
  • Frank J. Sulloway: The Family Rebel - Sibling Rivalry, Creative Thinking, and History. , Munich 1999, ISBN 3-442-75564-6
  • Horst Petri : Siblings - love and rivalry. The longest relationship in our life , Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 978-3-7831-2711-9
  • Marcel Rufo: sibling love, sibling hatred. The most formative relationship of our childhood , Munich, Zurich 2004, ISBN 3-492-04529-4

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