Horst Petri

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Horst Petri (born February 28, 1936 in Cologne ) is a German doctor specializing in neurology and psychiatry as well as child and adolescent psychiatry. Petri works as a psychoanalyst , therapist and supervisor in his own practice in Berlin and is the author of an extensive work.


Petri studied medicine in Munich , Freiburg and Tübingen and obtained his specialist training at the Free University in Berlin. In 1981 Petri qualified as a professor and until 2001 was a professor for psychotherapy and psychosomatics at the Free University of Berlin . He is a representative of psychoanalysis, which is oriented towards social problems and violence in society, with a particular focus on the consequences of undesirable developments in society for children and young people. Petri has been concerned with the effects of family processes on society and the individual for over three decades, with the drama of fatherlessness or father deprivation, which Petri considered to be far underestimated, increasingly in the foreground of his work since the mid-1990s .

Works (selection)

  • Violence in upbringing: a plea to abolish corporal punishment. Analyzes and Arguments . Together with Matthias Lauterbach. Athenaeum / Fischer TB, Frankfurt 1975
  • Social class and mental illness in childhood and adolescence . Specialized study with collabor. by Lutz Rosenberg u. Christine Thate. Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht, Göttingen 1979
  • Fear and Peace: Psychoanalysis a. social Responsibility . Fischer TB, Frankfurt 1987
  • Paradise lost: three years after Chernobyl . (Lecture) IPPNW, Heidesheim 1989
  • Educational violence: on the relationship between personal and social violence in education . Fischer TB, Frankfurt 1989
  • To be abandoned and to be abandoned: fear, anger, sadness and a new beginning in failed relationships . Kreuz, Zurich 1991
  • Environmental degradation and the mental development of our children . Kreuz, Zurich 1992
  • Siblings - love and rivalry: the longest relationship of our lives . Kreuz, Zurich 1994
  • Loveless times: psychoanalytic essays on the instinct to kill and hope . Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, Göttingen a. a. 1996
  • Good Father - Bad Father: Psychology of Male Identity . Scherz, Munich a. a. 1997
  • The drama of deprivation of the father: Chaos of feelings - powers of healing . Herder, Freiburg a. a. 1999
  • The betrayal of the young generation: what values ​​society withheld from young people . Herder, Freiburg a. a. 2002
  • Fathers are different: the importance of the father role for men . Cross, Stuttgart 2004
  • The value of friendship: protection, freedom and vulnerability of a relationship . Cross, Stuttgart 2005
  • Young people in search: what values ​​society withheld from young people . Herder, Freiburg et al. 2006
  • Psychotherapy with young adults . Kreuz, Stuttgart 2006 and E. Reinhardt, Munich a. Basel 2010
  • Just not too much love: parents and children between bond and freedom. A way of life . Cross, Stuttgart 2007
  • Siblings - love and rivalry: the longest relationship of our lives , completely overworked. and exp. New edition. Kreuz, Freiburg 2012

Web links


  1. SWR Tele-Akademie : "About the person" (2004)