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Gesenke (Polish Jesioniki , Czech Jeseníky ) can mean:

  • Ostsudeten , pl. Sudety Wschodnie , Czech Jesenická oblast , a mountain range in Czech / Moravian Silesia
    • Jeseníky Mountains , also Hohes Gesenke, pl. Wysoki Jesionik , Czech Hrubý Jeseník , mountain range of the Eastern Sudetes
    • Niederes Gesenke , pl. Niski Jesionik , Czech Nízký Jeseník , mountain range of the Eastern Sudetes
  • Protected landscape area Jeseníky ( Chráněná krajinná oblast Jeseníky ) in Eastern Sudeten, Czech Republic; includes the Jeseníky Mountains , the Hannsdorfer Uplands (c. Hanušovická vrchovina ) and the Oppagebirge or Zuckmanteler Uplands (c. Zlatohorská vrchovina , pl. Góry Opawskie ), with a total area of ​​740 km²

See also: