Design and media technology assistant

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The training course for design and media technology assistant (GMTA for short) is a full-time school education ( apprenticeship occupation) regulated by state law at a two-year vocational school in Germany, which builds on the intermediate degree and leads to a school-based professional qualification. It is based on the broad spectrum of media technology and qualifies for professional use in the media, printing and advertising industries.

Duration and structure of the training

The training lasts two years and takes place at vocational schools in Hesse and as school training in Berlin. It comprises 2,320 hours of practical and theoretical lessons. The training content is conveyed within the learning field concept in predominantly action-oriented lessons and the tasks are processed on the basis of specific projects.


  • Design theory
  • Print publishing
  • photography
  • Video and web authoring
  • Computer systems / networks
  • Hardware and software
  • Media law
  • Business administration
  • Web design
  • Project management


An integral part of the training is an internship of at least four weeks . The trainees prepare and present evaluated documentation.

final exam

The course ends with a state examination. This consists of three written parts, each with integrated practical work:

  • Basics of design
  • Information technology basics
  • Conception of non-print media

The job title is "state-certified design and media technology assistant" or "state-certified design and media technology assistant". After successfully attending additional lessons in German, English and mathematics and an additional examination in each of these subjects, the school-based part of a qualification equivalent to the technical college entrance qualification can be acquired.

Professional areas of application

Typical fields of work and tasks for design and media technology assistants are the design of print and nonprint media in advertising agencies, printing works, graphic offices and film and media companies as well as the maintenance of websites and advertising materials in any industry.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Vocational school. Standing Conference of the Education Ministers of the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK), accessed on July 17, 2012 .
  2. Curriculum of the two-year higher vocational school (assistant training), specializing in design and media technology. (PDF; 245 kB) Hessian Ministry of Culture (HKM), accessed on July 17, 2012 .
  3. Ordinance on training and examinations at the two-year higher vocational schools (assistant professions) from March 1, 2011. (PDF; 374 kB) Hessian Ministry of Culture (HKM), accessed on July 17, 2012 .
  4. Agreement on the acquisition of the technical college entrance qualification in vocational courses of June 5, 1998 i. d. F. dated March 9, 2001. (PDF; 54 kB) Standing Conference of the Education Ministers of the Federal States in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK), accessed on July 17, 2012 .