Weight (functional analysis)

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Weights are examined in the mathematical sub-area of functional analysis. It is a generalization of a state on a C * algebra . In the theory of Von Neumann algebras in particular , the Tomita-Takesaki theory can be extended beyond the case of σ-finite Von Neumann algebras by means of certain weights .


Let it be a C * -algebra, the positive cone, that is, the set of all elements of the form . A weight on is a figure with

  • for all
  • for everyone and .

The usual calculation rules are used for , i.e. for all , for all and . One defines a weight

= linear envelope of

Then and are left ideals and is a sub-C * algebra in .

Weights with additional properties

The following properties are considered for weights

  • A weight is tightly-defined , if respect. The standard topology tight is.
  • A weight on a Von Neumann algebra is called semi-finite if it is dense with respect to the weak operator topology .
  • A weight is called faithful , if it is.
  • A weight is called semi-steady from below if it is closed for each .
  • A weight on a Von Neumann algebra is called normal if the following applies: If a monotonically growing network is in with supremum , then applies .
  • A weight is called a track weight , if additional for all unitary elements .


Limited weights

A functional on a C * -algebra is called positive if for all . Then the restriction is obviously a weight with the peculiarity that the image lies in. Conversely , if there is a weight different from 0 with image in , that is with , there is a positive functional with

Sums of functionals

If a family of positive functionals is up , it's done

a weight off declared.

For example, if an orthonormal basis is a Hilbert space , then the sum of the associated vector states is a weight on , the Von Neumann algebra of the continuous, linear operators on . By


a normal trace weight is defined and it can be shown that this does not depend on the selection of the orthonormal basis. It is

the set of positive elements of the trace class ,
, that means is faithful,
the H * -algebra of the Hilbert-Schmidt operators .


Let it be a positive measure on a locally compact Hausdorff space and the C * -algebra of the continuous functions that vanish at infinity . Then the picture is

a weight. Bounded measures lead to bounded weights, that is, positive linear functionals.

Applications and properties


As with normal states, there are also different characterizations of normality for weights. For a weight on a Von Neumann algebra are equivalent

  • is normal, that is for monotonic networks applies .
  • is additive, that is for every family in with valid .
  • Is an ultra weak convergent network with limes in is so .
  • There is a family of positive, normal functionals for everyone .
  • There is a family of positive, normal functionals for everyone .

GNS construction

The GNS construction known for states can essentially also be carried out for weights on a C * -algebra . Through the formula

a scalar product is defined on, the completion is a Hilbert space . By

defined operators on continue to continuous, linear operators on , so that

defines a Hilbert space representation . Is faithful and semi-finite, so is faithful. If a normal weight is on a Von Neumann algebra, then it is also a Von Neumann algebra and the representation is normal.

Tomita Takesaki Theory

On a Von Neumann algebra there are always faithful, normal and semi-finite weights. On the picture of the associated GNS representation, certain automorphisms can be defined that lead to the Tomita-Takesaki theory .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ RV Kadison , JR Ringrose : Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras II , Academic Press (1983), ISBN 0-1239-3302-1 , definition 7.5.1
  2. ^ Gert K. Pedersen: C * -Algebras and Their Automorphism Groups , Academic Press Inc. (1979), ISBN 0125494505 , definition 5.1.1
  3. ^ Gert K. Pedersen: C * -Algebras and Their Automorphism Groups , Academic Press Inc. (1979), ISBN 0125494505 , Chapter 5.1: Weights
  4. ^ Ola Bratteli, Derek W. Robinson: Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics 1 , Springer-Verlag (1979), ISBN 0-387-09187-4 , theorem 2.7.11
  5. ^ RV Kadison , JR Ringrose : Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras II , Academic Press (1983), ISBN 0-1239-3302-1 , Theorem 7.5.3
  6. ^ RV Kadison, JR Ringrose: Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras II , Academic Press (1983), ISBN 0-1239-3302-1 , A further extension of modular theory , from page 639