Ghayath Almadhoun

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Ghayath Almadhoun (2016)

Ghayath Almadhoun (born July 19, 1979 in Damascus ) is a Palestinian-Swedish writer.


Ghayath Almadhoun grew up as the child of Palestinian emigrants in Syria. He has published four volumes of poetry in Arabic to date. In 2008 he emigrated to Sweden, where he has been working ever since. He received the Swedish citizenship.

His texts have been translated into more than 15 languages. In his adopted home Sweden, he has published two books, including “Till Damascus” in collaboration with the Swedish poet Marie Silkeberg. The English translation of “Adrenalin” (Action Books 2017) was on the list of “SPD Poetry Bestsellers” for four months in the USA and on the long list for the “Best Translated Book Award” in 2018. His first book in German translation, “A Predator Named Mediterranean” (Arche 2018), reached number 1 on the “Litprom Best List - Summer 2018”. Almadhoun is currently a scholarship holder of the DAAD's Berlin artist program.

Works (selection)

  • قصائد سقطت سهواً ( Qasaed sakatat sahwan ), Arabic Writers Union i Damascus 2004
  • كلما اتسعت المدينة ضاقت غرفتي ( Qulama itasaat al Medina daqat ghorfati ), Damascus as Cultural Capital for Arabic Culture 2008
  • Asylum seeker . Stockholm: Replacement, Stockholm 2010 (translation into Swedish)
  • لا أستطيع الحضو ( La astatiou alhudour ), Arab Institute for Research and Publishing in Beirut and Amman 2014
  • Weg van Damascus , Uitgeverij Jurgen Maas, Amsterdam 2014
  • Till Damascus , with Marie Silkeberg. Albert Bonniers, Stockholm 2014, ISBN 9789100138271 (sv)
  • أدرينالين ( adrenaline ), Almutawassit, Milano 2017. Second Edition 2018
  • Ik hier jij daar , Uitgeverij Jurgen Maas, Amsterdam 2017 (with Anne Vegter)
  • Adrenaline , translated into English by Catherine Cobham, Action Books, USA, 2017
  • A predator called the Mediterranean . Poems. Translation Larissa Bender. Arche Literatur Verlag, Zurich and Hamburg 2018, ISBN 978-3-7160-2768-4


  • 2005 Almazraa prize
  • 2008 Damascus Arab Capital of Culture for Young Writers Prize
  • 2012 Klas de Vylders prize
  • 2019 The DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program award scholarship (Berlin artist program of the DAAD)


  • Stefan Weidner : In the mode of catastrophe . Review. In: FAZ, May 19, 2018, p. 12

Web links

Individual evidence