Giampietro Zanotti

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Giampietro Zanotti

Giampietro Zanotti (born October 3, 1674 in Paris , † September 28, 1765 in Bologna ) was an Italian painter, etcher, art historian and poet.

Zanotti studied painting in Bologna with Lorenzo Pasinelli (1629–1700). In the first decade of the 18th century he was one of the founding members of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna , known as the Accademia Clementina.

He wrote many works, including poetry, composed “Avvertimenti pro l'incamminamento di un giovane alla pittura” (advice for introducing a young man to painting). He was also the author of a biography about his friend, the painter Giovanni Gioseffo Dal Sole (1654-1719). His brother Francesco Maria Zanotti (1692–1777) was a writer and philosopher, his son Eustachio Zanotti (1709–1782) was an astronomer and mathematician. Among his students were Ercole Lelli (1702–1766), known for his anatomical wax models, and Jacopo Alessandro Calvi (1740–1815).


  • Bénézit 1976, vol. 10, p. 870
  • Thieme / Becker 1907-1950, Vol. 36 (1947), p. 411
  • Witt Checklist 1978, p. 334
  • AWA Boschloo, Giampietro Zanotti en de Accademia Clementina in Bologna , Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek 33 (1982), pp. 119–167
  • E. Grasman, In de schaduw van Vasari. Vijf opstellen over kunstgeschiedschrijving in 18de-eeuws Italië , Leiden 1992 (dissertatie Universiteit Leiden),

Web links

Commons : Giampietro Zanotti  - collection of images, videos and audio files