Gianni De Luca

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Gianni De Luca (born January 27, 1927 in Gagliato , Italy , † June 6, 1991 in Rome , Italy) was an Italian cartoonist .

life and work

De Luca dropped out of his architecture studies to devote himself entirely to drawing comics. He made his comic debut in 1947 with an article for the Catholic youth magazine Il Vittorioso . In the 1950s he worked with the magazine Il Giornalino . After a long break in which De Luca turned to painting and illustration and not drawn comics, he started the western series Bob Jason in 1969 . In the 1970s, De Luca began his most famous series with Il Commissario Spada and drew three Shakespeare dramas as comics. De Luca drew comics until the end of his life; I Giorni Dell'Impero was published posthumously. In the 1970s, he published several of his adventures in the series Il Commissario Spada in German in the comic magazine Zack .

De Luca received the Yellow Kid in 1971 .


  • Franco Fossati: The large illustrated Ehapa comic lexicon . Ehapa Verlag, Stuttgart 1993, ISBN 3-7704-0865-9 , p. 73.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Gianni De Luca on (Italian) , accessed on December 16, 2011
  2. a b c d e Gianni De Luca on (English) , accessed on December 16, 2011
  3. ^ A b c Franco Fossati: The large illustrated Ehapa comic lexicon . Ehapa Verlag, Stuttgart 1993, ISBN 3-7704-0865-9 , p. 73.
  4. entry to (Italian) , accessed on February 5th, 2016