Foundry industry

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The foundry industry is understood to mean all companies involved in the direct and indirect production of cast products. These are essentially the suppliers and the foundries themselves.


Traditionally, the product output of foundries is measured in tonnage and divided into iron and non-ferrous products (NF). The best-known non-ferrous product is aluminum . Germany lags behind China, the USA and India in the global production of foundry products and has been in a neck-and-neck race with Japan for 4th and 5th places for years. The share of the German foundry industry in the total economic value added is around 1%, even though foundry products are present in many end products and are what make them possible in the first place. In 2018, the foundry industry's turnover in Germany was € 15.2 billion. 93% of the companies are medium-sized companies with up to 500 employees. The casting process is also used for the products required for the switch to regenerative power generation driven by the energy transition , for example in wind energy plants and for components of electromobility in vehicle construction.


In Germany the foundry industry is organized by the Federal Association of the German Foundry Industry . The foundry industry was organized for the first time in 1869, i.e. before the unification of the empire after the war in France in 1870/71. On July 12, 1869, 14 companies joined together to form the Association of German Iron Foundries (VDE). With the signing of the statutes, the first German economic association, a business association , was created. With the foundry , the VDE became a journalistic organ from 1914 that still exists today and is considered to be the industry leader.

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Individual evidence

  1. Sales of the foundry industry in Germany until 2018. Accessed December 15, 2019 .
  2. ^ Sector in figures · BDG - Federal Association of the German Foundry Industry. Retrieved December 15, 2019 .
  3. Dr. Walther Maurmann: From the economic history of the foundry industry in Germany. 100 years of association work . Ed .: Giesserei Verlag GMBH Düsseldorf 1969.