Giedrius Donatas Ašmys

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Giedrius Donatas Ašmys (born October 8, 1946 in Klaipėda ) is a Lithuanian politician, former mayor of Kaunas (2002-2003).


After graduation in 1964 at the Adomas Mickevičius - middle school in Kaunas graduated Ašmys 1969, the diploma in mechanics as engineering - engineering at Kauno politechnikos institutas .

In 1969 he worked at the Feliksas Dzeržinskis plant , and from 1990 to 1997 at AB “ Coordinatė ” as a foreman and technologist in Kaunas. For several years was an official of the trade unions. From 1990 he headed the company union , then Lietuvos metalistų profesinė sąjunga and was a council member of Kauno profesinių sąjungų susivienijimas, coordinator of Lietuvos maisto pramonės darbininkų ir tarnautojų profsąjunga, from 1996 to 2002 head of Lietuvos metalistų profesinės .

Since 1997 he has been a member of Kaunas City Council.

Since 1994 he has been a member of Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija (LSDP).

He is married. With his wife Gražina, a chemist, he has the son Kristupas and the daughter Marija.

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