Gierschke Dornburg Prize

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The Gierschke-Dornburg-Preis is an award of the East Prussian Landsmannschaft .


The prize is awarded “for scientific achievements that contribute to the fact that the enormous 1000-year achievements and sufferings of the Germans in Eastern Europe are not forgotten in historical studies and that lessons for the future are repeatedly drawn from the historical cooperation of the states and peoples in Eastern Europe “Awarded. The award winner is Dr. Herbert and Marga Gierschke Foundation based in Erfurt . It is usually awarded every three years at the Germany meeting of the East Prussian Landsmannschaft.

The founder has included the name of the village Dornburg in the name of the award because he has family ties to it.

The award was first presented in 2004.

Award winners

Mario Glauert , for the dissertation The Cathedral Chapter of Pomesanien (1284–1527)
Axel Walter , for researching the reconstruction of the Königsberg libraries
Caroline von Keudell , for a work on the Baltic German poet Gertrud von den Brincken
Grischa Vercamer , for the dissertation on settlement, administrative and social history of the Königsberg Commandery in the Teutonic Order of Prussia (13th - 16th centuries)
Wulf D. Wagner , for his contribution to research into East Prussian building history (including the Königsberg Castle. A building and cultural history )
Rikako Shindo , for the dissertation East Prussia, Lithuania and the Soviet Union during the Weimar Republic, submitted to the Humboldt University in Berlin in 2008 . Economy and politics in the German east
Christian Tilitzki , for his publication Die Albertus-Universität Königsberg. Your story from the founding of the empire to the fall of the province of East Prussia, Vol. 1: 1871-1918
Sebastian Kubon , for his dissertation The Foreign Policy of the Teutonic Order under Grand Master Konrad von Jungingen (1393-1407)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Prof. Dr. Axel Walter., accessed on February 7, 2016 .
  2. Biography of Grischa Vercamer ( Memento from August 30, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  3. published in the series of publications of the Prussian Historical Commission "Sources and research on Brandenburg and Prussian history", ed. by Frank-Lothar Kroll and Wolfgang Neugebauer published by Duncker & Humblot
  4. Awarding of the Gierschke Dornburg Prize to Dr. Rikako Shindo, German meeting of the East Prussians. In: Ostpreußischer Rundfunk. August 16, 2011, accessed April 12, 2018 (video).
  5. Jan Heitmann : Tirelessly for East Prussia. Historian Sebastian Kubon received the Gierschke Dornburg Prize., accessed on November 16, 2017 .
  6. Dr. Sebastian Kubon (University of Hamburg)