Gigi Chessa

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Gigi Chessa: Interno

Luigi Maria Giorgio "Gigi" Chessa (born May 15, 1898 in Turin, † April 23, 1935 in Turin ) was an Italian painter , set designer and architect .


Chessa was born in Turin and initially taught by his father, the painter , graphic artist and illustrator Carlo Chessa . He was later trained at the Accademia Albertina . Chessa was involved in the design of the sets for the Turin production of L'Italiana in Algeri . In 1926 he worked for the Metropolitan Theater in New York City . The following year he became professor of scenography in Turin .

Chessa was one of the co-founders of the Gruppo dei Sei , a group of expressionist painters in Turin, which also included Jessie Boswell , Carlo Levi and Francesco Menzio . After about two years, the group disbanded under pressure from the fascists.

Chessa died of tuberculosis in Turin in 1935 . His widow - they had two children together - later married Francesco Menzio.


Web links

Commons : Gigi Chessa  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files