Gilberte Périer

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Gilberte Périer

Françoise Gilberte Périer (born January 1, 1620 in Clermont-Ferrand , † April 25, 1687 in Paris ) was the older sister of Blaise Pascal and his biographer.

She married Florin Périer, attorney at the Supreme Tax Court in Clermont-Ferrand, in Rouen in June 1641 . This was not only a colleague of her father Étienne Pascal when he was still living in Clermont-Ferrand, but also her cousin. Before that she had run her father's household in Paris for years and followed him to his new position in Rouen. The marriage resulted in four daughters ( Marguerite Périer , born 1646, as well as Jacqueline (1644–1696), Marie (1647–1649), Louise (1651–1713)) and two sons (Blaise (1653–1684), Étienne (1642– 1680)).

In 1646, like her husband, she had a religious conversion to Jansenism , sent her children to Port Royal to be raised, increasingly withdrew from public life and later chose a life of solitude. Her religiosity, however, was of a gentler kind than that of her better-known younger sister Jacqueline Pascal . She later lived in Paris.

She was exceptionally educated (her father brought her upbringing), studied philosophy and theology, was known for her eloquence, and spoke several languages. Pascal made her his administrator, and in 1670 she published Pascal's Pensées . Despite their best efforts, the text was not printed unchanged. In 1663 she published the biographies of Pascal and one of her sisters, Jacqueline. She also helped Pascal prepare his Apologie de la religion chrétienne , from which the Pensées emerged.


  • La vie de Monsieur Pascal, escrite par Madame Perier, sa sœur, femme de Monsieur Perier, conseiller de la Cour des Aides de Clermont. 1663 wikisource .
    • German edition: Legacy of a big heart: The smaller writings (= Dieterich Collection, 16). Transferred and edited by Wolfgang Rüttenauer. Dieterich, Wiesbaden, 1947, DNB 453707521 .
  • P. Faugère (ed.): Lettres, opuscules et mémoires de madame Périer et de Jacqueline, sœurs de Pascal, et de Marguerite Périer, sa nièce. Auguste Vauton, Paris, 1845 digitized

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Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Year of death 1687 according to the French National Library, it is sometimes also given as 1685, for example in the Encyclopedia Larousse .
  2. Text wikisource