Ginevra Cantofoli

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Ginevra Cantofoli (* 1618 in Bologna ; † 1672 there ) was an Italian Baroque painter .

Ginevra Cantofoli was one of the numerous painters of religious and allegorical pictures active in Bologna in the 17th century .

She was trained by Elisabetta Sirani at the Accademia del disegno and later works in their workshop. In Bologna she painted several altarpieces, including a Last Supper for the Church of San Procolo, an altarpiece with St. Thomas of Villanova for the Convent of San Giacomo Maggiore, a Madonna with the Rosary , probably for the Church of San Lorenzo, and a St. Apollonia .

Ginevra Cantofoli was married and had two children.


  • Massimo Pulini: Ritratto di Genevra Cantofoli, pittrice . In: Jadranka Bentini, Vera Fortunati (Ed.): Elisabetta Sirani, "pittrice eroina" 1638–1665 . Bologna 2004, ISBN 88-7794-466-8 , pp. 134-141.