Giovanni Maria Bononcini

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Giovanni Maria Bononcini (baptized September 23, 1642 in Montecorone, Modena , † November 18, 1678 in Modena) was an Italian violinist and composer .


Bononcini most likely received his training from Marco Uccellini . In the preface to his textbook "Musico prattico" Bononcini mentions that he studied counterpoint with Padre Agostino Bendinelli (1635-after 1702). He initially worked as Kapellmeister at the churches of San Giovanni in Monte and San Petronio in Bologna and was a member of the highly respected Accademia Filarmonica . Bononcini followed the call to Modena in 1671, where he initially worked as court violinist for the Dowager Duchess Laura d'Este and from 1674 until his death also as cathedral music director. His two sons Giovanni Battista Bononcini and Antonio Maria Bononcini (1677–1726) were also well-known composers.


He created vocal and instrumental music for a wide variety of ensembles and made a clear distinction in his instrumental music between the da chiesa and da camera styles. The chamber sonata (opp. 4, 9, 7, 12) was created by grouping several dance pieces (Bononcini composed around 150 of them). In the area of ​​the church sonata, he gave the existing canzone sonata a fixed form with several movements, with frequent rhythm changes. His 29 trio sonatas form an important preliminary stage to Arcangelo Corelli's style with their movement form, their cantability and the powerful timbre . In some sonatas the scordature is required. The solo voice dominates his vocal work, while the instrumental accompaniment remains clearly in the background. Bononcini was also active as a music writer.


  • op. 1 Primi Frutti del Giardino Musicale à due violini e basso (Venice, 1666)
  • op. 2 Sonate da camera, e da ballo a 1, 2, 3, e 4 (Venice, 1667)
  • op. 3 Varii fiori del giardino musicale, overo Sonate da camera… aggiunta d'alcuni canoni , for 2 violins, viola and B. c. (Bologna, 1669)
  • op. 4 Arie, correnti, sarabande, gighe, & allemande for violin, and cello or spinet (Bologna, 1671)
  • op. 5 5th symphony, allemande, correnti, e sarabande à 5–6 stromenti, aggiunta d'una sinfonia a quattro, che si può suonare ancora al contrario (Bologna, 1671)
  • op.6 Sonata da chiesa à due violini (Venice, 1673)
  • op. 7 Ariette, correnti, gighe, allemande, e sarabande for 1–4 instruments (Bologna, 1673)
  • op.8 The contrapuntal textbook Musico prattico che brevemente dimostra il modo di giungere alla perfetta cognizione di tutte quelle cose, che concorrono alla composizione de i canti, e di ciò ch'all'arte del contrapunto si ricerca , (Bologna, 1673; German Translation Stuttgart, 1701)
  • op. 9 Trattenimenti musicali à à tre quattro & stromenti (Bologna, 1675)
  • op. 10 Cantate per camera a voce sola , libro primo, for soprano or bass and B. c. (Bologna, 1677)
  • op. 11 Cantate per camera a voce sola , libro secondo, for soprano, alto or bass and B. c. (Bologna, 1678)
  • op.12 Arie e Correnti à tre, due violini e violone (Bologna, 1678)
  • Numerous madrigals and arias
  • 1 opera I primi voli dell'aquila Austriaca del soglio imperiale alla gloria (Modena, 1667)
