Giovanni Mauro (poet)

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Giovanni Mauro d'Arcano (born 1490 in Rive d'Arcano ; died August 1, 1536 in Rome ) was an Italian court official and poet.


Mauro was born in Castello d'Arcano around 1490 into a courtly family. He lived in Friuli and Bologna and then in Rome . There he belonged to the Roman court of Count Amalfi , was employed by Cardinal Domenico Grimani in 1521 , and in 1523 by the Datario Gian Matteo Giberti . He became friends with the poet Francesco Berni . Finally he worked for Cardinal Alessandro Cesarini .

Poetic contributions by Mauro can be found in collections of burlesque writings from the 16th century in Venice and Florence, which were reprinted in Naples in 1723 and Venice in 1760.


  • I Capitoli del Mauro et del Bernia et altri authori . Venice, 1537
  • Il primo (e Il secondo) libro dell'opere burlesche di M. Francesco Berni, di M. Gio. Della Casa, del Varchi, del Mauro, di M. Bino, dei Molza, del Dolce, e del Firenzuola . Florence, 1548
