Gitzi tea

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Gitzi tea in Gargellen
Aerial view of the parcel and the Gitzistee boulder in Gargellen

Gitzistee (also: Gitziste ) refers to a parcel and a boulder in the Valzifenz valley near the district of Vergalden in Gargellen in the municipality of St. Gallenkirch in Montafon , Vorarlberg , Austria .

The Gitzistee parcel is a partially wooded parcel sloping slightly from west to east, at the lower end of which the rock of the same name at 1521  m above sea level. A. lies. A hiking trail runs below the Gitzistee so that the plot and the boulder are easily accessible.


The name Gitzistee is derived from the stone located there for the plot. The name Gizziste or Gizzistee can be found in Vorarlberg in the Montafon z. B. in the communities of Vandans and Tschagguns , as Gitzistee in Gargellen and Gitzistein in Innerbraz ( Klostertal ). Gizzi or Gitzi colloquially refers to the goat , ste or stee colloquially refers to a stone without defining its size.

Location of the parcel

The Gitzistee plot is about 300 m as the crow flies from the Vergalden district and about 800 m from the center of Gargellen. It is about 2.6 km to the Swiss border. The Gitzistee parcel is bordered to the north by the Schwefeltobel with the stream of the same name and to the south by the Marktobel with the Wißwandtobel (bach).


The Gizzistee (boulder) is the most striking boulder in the area and is centrally located in the lower third of the tree-free pasture area of ​​the Gitzistee parcel. The boulder has a generally vertical flank in the south. In the eastern part, the cliff hangs prominently, creating a protected area two to three meters deep behind the eaves line. This estimated area was used by goatherds as a kind of shelter when it rained until the 1960s.

Due to its location - near water, protection and overview options, easy accessibility - an early temporary stay of people in this place has been assumed for a long time.

Archaeological survey near the boulder

In September 2016 a project was carried out by the State Conservatory for Vorarlberg and an examination of part of the soil in front of the Gitzistee (boulder) after the cattle drive was carried out.

In four deepened exploratory cuts on the south-eastern block flank u. a. a charcoal-bearing layer surface was encountered and a single rock crystal artifact (12.9 mm × 6.8 mm × 0.9 mm) was documented. Since rock crystal deposits in the direct vicinity of the Gitzistee are not known and the find was individually and in some cases has sharp edges, it is assumed that a natural origin or introduction is to be excluded.

The radiometrically examined charcoal was dated to the 15th century to the 14th century BC, thus to the end of the Middle Bronze Age . The rock crystal artifact is interpreted as a fragment of a Bronze Age flint arrowhead, which was made from a material of little value for hunting in the high mountains.

Another sharp-edged flint artifact (17.8 mm × 18 mm × 8.9 mm) from northern alpine radiolarite could not yet be classified in terms of time. It was typologized as a short scratch (thumb nail scratch ). The artifact type appears from the Late Paleolithic and is mainly known in Europe from the Mesolithic . Such short scratches were mainly used to clean fur.

Web links

Commons : Gitzistee  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Claus-Stephan Holdermann, Archeology at Gitzistee in Vergalda - Beginnings of an economic and settlement chamber at the foot of the Schlappiner Joch / Montafon / Vorarlberg , p. 42.
  2. Oral communication on the occasion of the guided tour on September 24, 2017 ( Memorial Day ) at the Gitzistee by Friedrich Juen, who used this protected area himself as a goatherd.
  3. Measure number of the Federal Monuments Office, M.Mr .: 90107.16.01:
  4. Claus-Stephan Holdermann, Archeology at Gitzistee in Vergalda - Beginnings of an economic and settlement chamber at the foot of the Schlappiner Joch / Montafon / Vorarlberg, p. 42.
  5. ^ Claus-Stephan Holdermann, Archeology at the Gitzistee in Vergalda - Beginnings of an economic and settlement chamber at the foot of the Schlappiner Joch / Montafon / Vorarlberg, p. 43.

Coordinates: 46 ° 57 ′ 45.9 ″  N , 9 ° 54 ′ 56.2 ″  E