Giuseppe Fraschina

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Giuseppe Fraschina (born January 10, 1817 in Bosco Luganese ; † March 31, 1891 ibid) was a Swiss architect and engineer .

life and work

He was the son of Agostino, builder, and Cattarina Nobile. After attending the Lyceum in Como , he first studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera in Milan and graduated from the Polytechnic in Vienna . From 1852 to 1877 he was a teacher for architecture and land surveying at the high school in Lugano. With this and with his biographical works about his uncle Pietro Nobile and about Domenico Fontana , the architecture critic and teacher, who himself came from a family of architects, was a role model for future generations of architects at a time when there was no formal specialist degree in Italian-speaking Switzerland.


  • Biography of Pietro Nobile. Lugano 1872.
  • Biografia di Domenico Fontana. In the Educatore della Svizzera italiana , Bellinzona 1879.


  • Giuseppe Biamchi: Gli artisti ticinesi. Dizionario biografico Libreria Bianchi, Lugano 1900, p. 82 f.
  • Emanuele Saurwein: Fraschina, Giuseppe. In: Isabelle Rucki and Dorothee Huber (eds): Architects Lexicon of Switzerland - 19./20. Century. Birkhäuser, Basel 1998. ISBN 3-7643-5261-2 , p. 186
  • Simona Martinoli: Giuseppe Fraschina. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . June 9, 2005 , accessed February 21, 2020 .

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