Giuseppe Maria Fanfani

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Giuseppe Maria Fanfani (* before 1700 in Italy ; † 1757 there ) was an Italian composer , violinist and virtuoso of the musical baroque .

Live and act

Unfortunately, little is known about the life of fanfanis. He worked as a violin virtuoso in Florence . It was customary in his age for the violin virtuoso to compose and teach. For the most part, in addition to their concert tours, they were employed either as chamber musicians or Kapellmeister at a noble house or as church musicians.

The violin sonata in D major, which was erroneously attributed to the Dresden court musician Johann Georg Pisendel , has been identified as the work of Fanfani. Fanfani and Pisendel met around 1716/1717 during Pisendel's trip to Italy (this also shows that the year Fanfani was born - often given as 1723 - cannot be correct). In addition to this sonata, there is a collection of 12 other violin sonatas from the Biblioteca Nazionale in Florence, which were dedicated to Giovanni Gastone de Medici.


  • Violin Sonata in D major
  • Sonatas and Chamber Music

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Anonymous violin sonata by Giuseppe Maria Fanfani . In: Hofmusik Dresden . ( [accessed on October 26, 2018]).