Glossy crested turaco

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Glossy crested turaco
Glossy-crested turaco in Kwa Madwala wildlife park, South Africa

Glossy-crested turaco in Kwa Madwala wildlife park, South Africa

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Turacos (Musophagiformes)
Family : Turacos (Musophagidae)
Subfamily : Musophaginae
Genre : Helmet turacos ( tauraco )
Type : Glossy crested turaco
Scientific name
Tauraco porphyreolophus
( Vigors , 1831)

The Purple-Crested Turaco ( Tauraco porphyreolophus ) is a common in southern Africa Species from the family of turacos (Musophagidae).


The glossy hooded turaco reaches a body length of approx. 40 centimeters. It is green in color and has a metallic blue color on the lower back and wings. The undersides of the wings are bright red. The long tail is bluish purple in color and has an almost rectangular end. The eyes are dark and surrounded by a red spot. The main difference between the bird and other turaco species is its purple crest, which appears black outside of direct sunlight, as well as the lack of a white eye spot. Compared to the similar feather helmet turaco ( Tauraco corythais ), this species appears darker and less green.

There is no such thing as gender dimorphism . Young birds have less distinct colors.

Way of life

The glossy-crested turaco is very shy and can often only be observed when it changes its seat and flies to another tree. The red undersides of the wings are noticeable in flight. It lives either in pairs or small groups and rarely flies in open terrain. He spends most of his time near trees. He is very nimble and can walk well in the branches and also jump from branch to branch. It feeds on fruits, young animals on insects , mussels and snails .

The pairing takes place between August and January. The nests are built at a height of around four meters. The females lay two to three eggs in it, which are incubated alternately by both parents for 22 to 25 days. The young can fly after about five weeks.

distribution and habitat

Distribution of the glossy hooded turaco

The glossy hooded turaco is widespread in the eastern part of southern Africa, especially in southern Mozambique and also in eastern South Africa and Zimbabwe and in Swaziland . Its habitat are dense forests and wooded areas along coasts and rivers.


Two subspecies are distinguished within the species:

  • Tauraco porphyreolophus chlorochlamys
  • Tauraco porphyreolophus porphyreolophus


  1. ^ JC Sinclair, Ian Sinclair, PAR Hockey, and WR Tarboton: Birds of Southern Africa. Struik Publishers July 1997, ISBN 978-1-868-72033-0

Web links

Commons : Tauraco porphyreolophus  - Collection of images, videos and audio files