Equality controlling

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Equal Opportunities Controlling (GSC) is an instrument that anchors equality issues long-term, sustainably and comprehensively in the organization, both internally (equality-based personnel policy) and externally (equality-based products, services). It is based on the concept of gender mainstreaming and in this sense is a so-called top-down strategy, i.e. it works in the hierarchy from top to bottom. It uses the existing management tools and processes to imbue the organization with gender equality goals. It complements the project thinking in the area of ​​equality through the natural inclusion in the institutionalized planning and control practice in the company or in the administration. The tool was developed in Switzerland with the support of the Federal Office for Equality between Women and Men (see financial aid under the Equal Opportunities Act ) and implemented in pilot companies.


Equality controlling is the integration of equality goals into the routine planning and control processes of an organization. In this way, equality is anchored as a cross-sectional task and the responsibility for implementation is transferred to managers and decision-makers.

Overall process

After an analysis / diagnosis of the central potential for improvement, the top management or the management approves strategic goals in the area of ​​equality. The data and key figures required for this are observed in the course of permanent monitoring . As part of the normal goal-setting processes, annual goals are agreed top-down with the managers, which help to achieve the strategic equality goals. The executives select the appropriate measures, implement them and check their effectiveness and thus the achievement of the annual targets with the help of regular success checks / reports . Achievement or failure of the target has consequences (e.g. effects on the bonus).

Role change

In contrast to other equality efforts, in equality controlling, the responsibility for implementing equality rests with the individual managers themselves and not with an equality officer. This means a change in role takes place: the equality officers become specialists for gender issues and thus advisors to managers in matters of equality. They ensure transparency of results by providing managers with regular reports on the status of the achievement of goals (“Management Cockpit Equality”). The managers become the actual implementers of equality.


When people talk about gender equality goals in the world of work, most people first think of quotas for women - for example in management - or, in a broader sense, of personnel policy goals and measures. The human resources department has also made the most progress in terms of gender sensitivity and specific implementation tools in recent years. For a comprehensive implementation of equality, however, it is just as important to carefully examine the actual business activity in a gender-critical manner. It is particularly important to examine and adapt the products and services with regard to their importance for the gender balance. Here in particular, the inclusion of the gender perspective can broaden horizons and thus increase quality and opportunities for innovation. In equality controlling, cross-organizational goals can also be agreed. These mostly concern the structure or the culture of an organization and should change it in the long term.

Gender mainstreaming and equality controlling

Equality controlling is based on the gender mainstreaming approach. This includes that the gender dimension is integrated into all company-related strategy, structures and planning and control processes and that projects are designed in such a way that they promote equality between women and men. This approach is combined with the control instrument controlling (planning, target setting, management). Equality controlling requires the top management of the company to assume responsibility. In order for the instrument to be used successfully, a goal-oriented management instrument is also required, for example Management by Objectives .

Management by objectives in equality controlling

For equality controlling, it is crucial to formulate goals that are measurable and verifiable. They must be responsible for the respective job holder, i.e. they must be able to be influenced within the scope of their competencies. By formulating clear goals, there is also a strong focus on gender equality efforts. It's about consistently implementing a few goals instead of pursuing many projects at the same time, getting bogged down and losing energy. As part of an MBO process, equality goals can be easily integrated. In principle, it is conceivable to integrate equality concerns into most management concepts and models. All goal-oriented management instruments such as B. New Public Management , quality management concepts or the balanced scorecard .

Main tasks of the equality controller

Controlling is a management task that cannot be delegated. The responsibility for results and thus controlling lies entirely with the managers. Equality controlling also follows the same logic. The managers are responsible for achieving the equality goals. The equality controller has the following main tasks:

  • Guaranteeing the transparency of results through current reporting
  • Advice to executives in matters of equality ( coaching , training)
  • Help shape the integration of targets into the target catalogs of managers
  • Support in the selection of the measures
  • Development of planning and control systems for equality controlling (reporting, location assessments, measure evaluation, etc.)
  • Regular responsibility for uniform terms and guidelines

Managers can only assume responsibility if they have sufficient gender competence or if they can acquire it (e.g. through training). Equality controlling is therefore particularly suitable for companies in which there is already a certain (easily expandable) sensitivity to the gender dimension.


  • Müller, Catherine, Sander, Gudrun, Equal Opportunities Controlling. The manual for the world of work with CD-ROM, 2005, vdf Hochschulverlag Zurich (2005), ISBN 3-7281-2917-8
  • Sander, Gudrun and Müller, Catherine: Equal Opportunities Controlling in Companies and Public Administrations, in Pasero, Ursula (Ed.) (2003): Gender - from costs to benefits. Wiesbaden, West German publishing house. PDF file

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Association for Equal Opportunities Controlling (ed.): Example job description . (PDF). Available at http://www.gleichstellungs-controlling.org/pdf/pb_stellenbeschreibung.pdf ( Memento from September 29, 2007)
  2. ^ Association for Equal Opportunities Controlling (ed.): Leadership Cockpit Musterfirma AG . (PDF). Available at http://www.gleichstellungs-controlling.org/pdf/pb_reporting_frauen_kader.pdf ( Memento from September 29, 2007)