Godehard Kufner

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Godehard Kufner OSB (born November 9, 1743 in Osterhofen , † January 25, 1792 in Straubing ) was canon lawyer and Benedictine in the Bavarian monastery of Metten .


Godehard Kufner completed his studies with the Jesuits in Straubing and Freising. After his solemn profession in 1763 and his ordination as a priest in 1767, he was lecturer in canon law in the monastery’s home study and librarian in the Benedictine abbey of Metten. In 1783 and 1784 he was professor of mathematics and physics at the Episcopal Lyceum in Freising. After working again as a theology lecturer and librarian in Metten Monastery, he was teacher and rector at the electoral school in Straubing from 1787 until his death.


  • Corollaria theolog. Historic. critica ex tractatibus de Deo uno, trino, creatore, ac de gratia Christi , Straubing 1776.
  • Systema theologicum, ex omnibus theologiae classibus adornatum , Ingolstadt 1778.
  • Materia concertationis litterariae ex iure ecclesiastico statui Germanico accommodato , Straubing 1780.
  • Synopsis iurisprudentiae ecclesiasticae, universae, publicae et privatae, statui Germanicae, maxime Bavariae, accomodatae , Burghausen 1781.
  • Synopsis Istitutionum logicarum, metaphysicarum ac mathematicarum , Freising 1783.
  • Positiones ex physica et geometria, jure sociali et gentium , Augsburg 1784.
  • Sentences from the general history of the earth's body, from natural history, natural science, higher analysis, the conical sections and general constitutional and international law , Straubing 1790.
  • Sentences from the theory of nature, the conical sections, the integral and differential calculus and general constitutional and international law , Straubing 1791.
  • Dissertatio de aëre dephlogistico , Straubing 1791.


  • Klement Alois Baader, The learned Bavaria , Volume 1, 1804.
  • Wilhelm Fink, History of the Development of the Benedictine Abbey of Metten. Part 1: The profession book of the abbey (studies and communications on the history of the Benedictine order and its branches, supplement 1/1), Munich 1926, 50f.
  • August Lindner, The writers and members of the Benedictine order in what is now the Kingdom of Bavaria , Volume 2, 1880.
  • Johann Friedrich von Schulte, The history of the sources and literature of canon law from Gratian to the present, Volume 3: The history of the sources and literature from the middle of the 16th century to the present , Stuttgart 1880 [Reprinted 2000], 266 .