Gonzalo Fernández de Burgos

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Gonzalo Fernández (* around 870, † around 935) was Count of Burgos (approx. 899–915) and of Castile (approx. 909–915). He was the father of Fernán González , the founder of the county of Castile, largely independent of the Kingdom of León . He is also sometimes referred to as Gonzalo Fernández de Lara .


Only a few life dates are known of Gonzálo Fernández: In the founding deed of the monastery San Pedro de Cardeña from the year 899 he is mentioned for the first time as "Count of Burgos" (comite Gundissalbo Fernandiz in Uurgus) ; after that he seems to have relocated his seat to Lara (today Lara de los Infantes ), about 45 km southeast of Burgos . He gradually enlarged his domain from Espinosa de los Monteros and Escalada in the north of Burgos to the Río Arlanza . The next mention of his name is from the year 912, in which he - alongside his colleagues Gonzalo Téllez and Munio Núñez - the Leonese king García I. one of the three leaders in the recolonisation ( repoblación ) formerly Islamic areas of the north River Duero was appointed ; he took care of the cities of Clunia , San Esteban de Gormaz and Burgos as well as the fortress of Haza south of the Duero . Gonzálo Fernández appears again in two documents from the years 914 and 915 as "Count of Castile" and "Count of Burgos"; after that he seems to have gone to the Leonese royal court . In the years between 924 and 930 a Gundisalvus comes appears several times at the royal court of Navarre - whether it is Gonzalo Fernández, however, is unclear. The last mention of a Gundisalvus Fredinandiz comes comes from the year 932.

After his death, his remains were likely buried in the monastery of San Pedro de Arlanza .


He had two children with his wife Muniadona :

  • Ramiro González († 936 fighting the Moors)
  • Fernán González († 970), first independent Count of Castile

See also


  • Justo Pérez de Urbel: El Condado de Castilla. Fomento Editorial, SA, Madrid 1974, ISBN 84-7301-005-1 .
  • Gonzalo Martínez Díez: El Condado de Castilla. Junta de Castilla y León, Valladolid 2004, ISBN 84-9718-275-8 .

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