Google Web Designer

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Google Web Designer is a freeware - Web application from Google for Windows , macOS and Linux , with no programming skills using an integrated visual and code interface websites, interactive HTML5 can be designed and -Werbeanzeigen and other HTML5 elements created. Using the WYSIWYG user interface of Google Web Designer , content can be created using common design tools, e.g. For example, a text tool into which Google Web Fonts can be integrated, a shape tool, a drawing tool and 3D objects can be created. The advertising tool includes components for adding Google Maps, YouTube videos and tracking code events for DoubleClick and AdMob . Events can be animated on a timeline using keyframes . Code view has a syntax highlighting and autocomplete function for editing HTML , CSS , JavaScript and XML files . Image galleries, videos and road maps can be integrated via a component library. CSS prefixes can be compressed.

See also

Web links