Goslar Chargierten-Convent

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The Goslar Chargierten-Convent (GCC) was a corporation association of obligatory and color-bearing student associations in the period from 1882 to 1891. It is regarded as a predecessor of the Coburg Convent of the Landsmannschaften and Turnerschaften.


The Goslarer CC was founded on July 25, 1882 on the Steinberg (Goslar) . The founding members were the Landsmannschaften Saravia Berlin, Primislavia, Joachimica Berlin, Viadrina, Afrania Leipzig , Mecklenburgia Leipzig, Cheruscia Leipzig, Hercynia Leipzig, Rhenania Jena and Suevia Jena.

The president was Afrania Leipzig and the association grew to nineteen associations by 1885. Eventually the large associations gained in attraction, so that from 1887 there were still six associations in the association. When it was dissolved (1891), the remaining connections joined the Coburg Landsmannschafter Convent .

Of the 21 connections that were in the GCC, 18 are still in some form in the Coburg Convent and three in the German fraternity .

See also


  • Brockhaus' Konversationslexikon . 7th volume: Foscari - Gilboa. 1908, p. 607. Online
  • Erich Geissler: Extinct corporation associations 1882-1891 I. The Goslar Chargierten-Convent (GCC) 1882-1891 . Once and Now, Yearbook of the Association for Corps Student History Research, Vol. 6 (1961), pp. 41–51.
  • Roderich Scheer: Goslar as a student city . Historia Academica (Student History Association of the CC), Vol. 13, Stuttgart.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Later Burschenschaft Saravia Berlin
  2. later fraternity Primislavia Berlin
  3. ^ Later Landsmannschaft Marchia Berlin zu Osnabrück
  4. 1886 merged with the Landsmannschaft Palaiomarchia Berlin
  5. later Rostock, today Hamburg
  6. today Landsmannschaft Plavia-Arminia Leipzig
  7. later Landsmannschaft Suevia Jena-Breslau zu Hamburg in the CC , today Academic Landsmannschaft Saxo-Suevia zu Erlangen in the CC
    On the history of the Landsmannschaft Saxo-Suevia
  8. Erich Geissler: Extinct corporation associations from then and now , 1961