Gotha Children's Choir

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Gotha Children's Choir
Gotha Children's Choir
Seat: Gotha / Germany
Founding: 1978 (unofficial 1970)
Genus: Children's choir
Founder: Klaus Hähnel
Head : Susanne Polcuch
Voices : 15 - 35 (SA)

The Gotha Children's Choir in Thuringia grew out of a school choir founded by Klaus Hähnel in 1970 and has been open to children since 1978. With the 2nd prize and the rating "excellent" at the 5th German Choir Competition in Regensburg in 1998, successes were achieved both nationally and internationally (such as twice "1st prize cum laude" in Belgium ).


In the preparatory choir, the little singers gain experience for a year or two and receive training in vocal care, sheet music teaching and choral practice. Afterwards, they are initially accepted into the children's choir for one year on a trial basis and gain their first concert experience until they are accepted into the overall choir after the traditional “choir baptism”. Since 2007 there has also been the level of the prechoir for children from the first grade. You will be introduced to musical understanding and structured choral work.

Concerts / trips

The choir goes on concert tours to other choirs or to festivals several times a year. Some of these venues were concerts in Nuremberg, Frankfurt, Bremen, Fulda, Würzburg, Wolfenbüttel, Marburg, Wuppertal, Gera, Eisenach (Palais auf der Wartburg and Georgenkirche) and in the Leipzig Gewandhaus.

The choir travels abroad at least once a year, to Belgium , the USA , France , Austria , Romania , Poland , Hungary , the Czech Republic and Slovakia .


The repertoire of the Gotha Children's Choir includes works by composers from different epochs, songs from different peoples and countries, contemporary children's choir compositions and popular songs both a cappella and with accompaniment, mostly piano.

Under the direction of Klaus Hähnel, close cooperation with contemporary children's choir composers was characteristic of the Gotha Children's Choir. So wrote u. a. Gunther Erdmann († 1996), Siegfried Stolte († 1991), Rainer Lischka (* 1942), Jürgen Golle (* 1942) and Marliese Zeiner (* 1944) compositions for the Gotha Children's Choir.

Since October 2004, the management has been in the hands of Susanne Polcuch. Since then the choir has established itself again as a children's choir in the true sense (ages 9 to 16 years).

See also