Gottfried Guggenbühl

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Gottfried Guggenbühl (born April 3, 1888 in Hombrechtikon , † January 23, 1959 in Küsnacht ) was a Swiss historian .

Guggenbühl taught from 1928 to 1958 as a professor of modern history at the ETH Zurich . His research focus was the history of Switzerland , on which he wrote numerous publications, including a two-volume Swiss history. In addition, he published collections of sources on different epochs.

Works (selection)

  • Zurich's share in the Second Villmerger War 1712 , Gbr. Leemann Verlag, Zurich 1911.
  • The Swiss Peasants' War of 1653 , Gbr. Leemann Verlag, Zurich 1913.
  • On the spirit of the Helvetic , Orell Füssli Verlag, Zurich 1925.
  • The legacy of regeneration , Sauerländer Verlag, Aarau 1932.
  • National upbringing as a prerequisite for Swiss self-assertion , Rorschach 1938.
  • The structure of the state and the basic rights of citizens , Schulthess Verlag, Zurich 1938.
  • History of the Swiss Confederation , Rentsch Verlag, Erlenbach 1947.
  • Carl Spitteler in the political legend , Th. Gut Verlag, Stäfa 1958.

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