Kärrbacka burial ground

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Ship launch from Kärrbacka
Ship launch from Kärrbacka

The 325 × 20 to 105 m measuring cemetery of Kärrbacka (RAÄ Nr. Adelsö 109: 1) is located at the narrowest point of the island Björkö , in Mälaren , about 800 meters east of the Birka-museet in the municipality of Ekerö in Uppland in Sweden .

The burial ground at first had several parts: that lay Stora, Lilla and Skog Kärrbacka earlier on either side of the old road to Grönsö. Today the road, the traces of which are still visible in the western parts of the burial ground, runs northeast of the burial ground. 45 above-ground graves are located in the mostly Iron Age field. 26 rectangular and ten round stone settings of about 3.0 to 10.0 m in diameter, four Treudds , two large burial mounds , two about 7.0 and 8.0 m long ship-shaped stone settings (ship-shaped rosers) and one round roser of about 20, 0 meters in diameter and about two meters high. Some graves in the eastern part - Stora Kärrbacka - are also large. Three of the Treudds, whose sides are about 20.0 meters long, are also in this part of the burial ground.

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Coordinates: 59 ° 19 ′ 43.9 ″  N , 17 ° 33 ′ 42.4 ″  E