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Mälaren in the evening light
Geographical location Sweden
Tributaries Arbogaån , Eskilstunaån , Fyrisån , Hedströmmen , Kolbäcksån , Örsundaån , Sagån , Svartån
Drain Norrström , Södertälje Canal , Hammarby Lock , Karl Johan Lock
Places on the shore Stockholm , Västerås , Södertälje
Location close to the shore Eskilstuna , Uppsala
Coordinates 59 ° 26 '  N , 17 ° 4'  E Coordinates: 59 ° 26 '  N , 17 ° 4'  E
Map of Mälaren
Altitude above sea level 0.7  m o.h.
surface 1 090.11  km²
length 72 km
volume 14.356 km³dep1
scope 1172 km
Maximum depth 66 m
Middle deep 12.8 m
Catchment area 22,700 km²
Template: Infobox See / Maintenance / MAP
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Mälaren (Swedish without German article; also German the Mälarsee , outdated the Mellersee ) is after Vänern and Vättern with 1090  km² the third largest lake in Sweden and thus about twice as large as Lake Constance. Located west of Stockholm , it is up to 66 m deep and connected to the Baltic Sea via the Södertälje Canal , the Hammarby Lock, the Slussen Lock and the Norrström .

Mälaren was a Baltic Sea bay until the Viking Age ; It was not until the 10th century that it was gradually separated from the Baltic Sea by the post-glacial uplift . The current surface of the lake is about 70 cm above the sea. Companies like Stockholm Vatten and Norrvatten draw water from the lake for around 1.3 million people. There are also 25 rune stones and Iron Age graves on the lake.

The cities of Stockholm, Södertälje , Västerås , Enköping and Köping as well as famous sights such as Gripsholm Castle in Mariefred , Drottningholm Castle and the 8th to 10th century trading center Birka are located on Mälaren .

Despite the many weekend houses on the lakeshore, which are primarily inhabited by the inhabitants of the urban conurbation , there are large unexploited areas that make the lake next to the Stockholm archipelago off the coast attractive as a local recreation area. The many bays, islands and peninsulas also contribute to the varied beauty of the lake. Mälaren, with islands and beach areas, is classified as an imperial interest.


There are 31 species of fish in the lake, the most common of which is the smelt .

The characteristic bird of Mälaren is the osprey , which is found here in large numbers. In addition to this, the species were in a census in 2005 Tern , Gull , Black-headed Gull , Common Gull , Mallard , Tufted Duck , Canada Goose , Common Goldeneye , Lesser and Sandpiper registered most often. The Cormorant , which breeds again in the lake since 1994, have been found in this count over 2000 eggs.

Around Mälaren

The 300-kilometer cycle race around Mälaren ( Mälaren runt ) has been held with interruptions since 1892, and was held for the last time in 1987. It was Sweden's most important road race, running from Stockholm around the lake and back to Stockholm. The Swedish road championship was held there from 1906 to 1946 and in the 1950s. At the Olympic Games in 1912 , the road race led over this route.

Bigger islands


The 33rd chapter of Selma Lagerlöf's novel The Wonderful Journey of Little Nils Holgersson with the Wild Geese is dedicated to Mälaren .


The artificial in 2004 created Meilansee Meilan Lake in the planned city Luodian , a town in the district of Baoshan (Shanghai) is inspired by Mälaren.

See also

Web links

Commons : Mälaren  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Sjöareal och sjöhöjd (3.32 MB; PDF) , Svenskt vattenarkiv (SVAR), Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut (Swedish)
  2. Vattenståndsmätningar i Mälaren (PDF; 342 kB) ( Memento of the original from November 15, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut (Swedish) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / bizmet.smhi.se
  3. a b c Sjödjup och sjövolym (712.6 kB; PDF) , Svenskt vattenarkiv (SVAR), Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut (Swedish)
  4. Kust och stränder i Sverige (407 kB; PDF) , Statistiska centralbyrån ( http://www.scb.se ) (Swedish)
  5. VattenWeb , Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut (Swedish)
  6. Länsstyrelsen Stockholms län: Riksintressen ( Memento of the original dated February 2, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.ab.lst.se
  7. Vinnare Mälaren Runt on idrottonline.se
  8. Official report of the 1912 Olympic Games (PDF file; 51.1 MB)
  9. Harry den Hartog: Luodian New Town (Baoshan District). 2010, p. 144 ( books.google.de ).