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Kolbäcksån flows from Väsman near Ludvika to Kolbäck and Mälaren

Kolbäcksån flows from Väsman near Ludvika to Kolbäck and Mälaren

location Dalarnas län , Västmanlands län ( Sweden )
River system Norrström
Drain over Norrström  → Baltic Sea
origin as Ludvikaström in Ludvika from the Väsman
60 ° 9 '18 "  N , 15 ° 10' 59"  O
Source height 155  m o.h.
muzzle in the Mälaren coordinates: 59 ° 30 ′ 30 "  N , 16 ° 15 ′ 30"  E 59 ° 30 ′ 30 "  N , 16 ° 15 ′ 30"  E
Mouth height 0.7  m o.h.
Height difference 154.3 m
Bottom slope 0.86 ‰
length 180 km
Catchment area 3100 km²
Drain MQ
27 m³ / s
Small towns Fagersta , Hallstahammar

The Kolbäcksån river is located in central Sweden . It is around 180 kilometers long, has its source in the Dalarna province and flows through the Västmanland province into Lake Mälaren . The Kolbäcksån drains an area of ​​approximately 3,100 km² and has an average water flow of 27 m³ / s. The town of Fagersta lies on the river and the Strömsholm Canal follows the river for about 100 kilometers.

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Commons : Kolbäcksån  - collection of images, videos and audio files