Grégoire Nicolis

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Grégoire Nicolis (born September 11, 1939 in Athens ; † October 18, 2018 ) was a Belgian physicist from Greece, who is known for developing the theory of dissipative structures in irreversible thermodynamics in the Brussels school of Ilya Prigogine and who is familiar with chaos theory concerned.

Nicolis graduated as an engineer from the Technical University in Athens and received his doctorate from the Free University of Brussels (ULB) with Prigogine in 1965 ( Quelques aspects des phénomènes de transport dans les systèmes non-uniformes ). He is a professor at the Free University of Brussels.

In 1970 he received the Prix Theophile de Donder of the Royal Belgian Academy of Sciences, of which he has been a member since 1976. He is also a member of the Academia Europaea and corresponding member of the Athens Academy of Sciences (1992). In 1989/90 he held the Franqui Chair at the Catholic University of Leuven .

He was co-editor of the Journal of Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics, the Journal of Statistical Physics (1982–1991), Advances in Chemical Physics, Dynamics and Stability of Systems, Bifurcation and Chaos, and Chaos, Solitons and Fractals.


  • Nicolis, Prigogine : Self-Organization in Nonequilibrium Systems. Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1977, ISBN 0-471-02401-5 .
  • Nicolis, Prigogine, Babloyants: Thermodynamics of Evolution, Physics Today, Volume 25, November / December 1972, p. 25, doi : 10.1063 / 1.3071090
  • Nicolis, Prigogine: Exploring complexity: an introduction. Freeman 1989, ISBN 0-716-71859-6 .
  • Nicolis, Catherine Nicolis: Foundations of Complex Systems: Nonlinear Dynamic Statistical Physics Information and Prediction. 2007, ISBN 9-812-70043-9
  • Nicolis, Catherine Rouvas-Nicolis: Complex Systems. in Scholarpedia (and other articles in Scholarpedia)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. CV
  2. Ricard Solé. on Twitter .;
  3. Grégoire Nicolis in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used